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5 pitfalls of relying on embedded device biometrics for mobile app login - and how to solve them

Friday October 23 | 14:15 - 14:30 GMT

Many enterprises allow customers to use their phone's native biometrics, like Apple's Face ID, to bypass the normal login process in the company’s mobile app. This approach may be convenient for users, but is it secure?

In order to take control of user authentication and achieve higher levels of security while also gaining the advantage of lower friction in the customer experience, enterprises must deploy enterprise-grade biometrics. In this session, we'll discuss five key differences between consumer-grade and enterprise-grade biometrics and why using the former exposes companies to a false sense of security and greater risk.

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Tech roadmaps: Seeing tomorrow's stack today

Friday October 23 | 14:30-14:45 GMT

Plans are useless, but planning is essential. Mapping future technology needs and capabilities for a forecast business trajectory is inherently imprecise. However, there are many practical, detailed aspects worth mapping out. Don't miss a look inside the horizons, integration, partnerships and accountability that go into a tech roadmap.

Where the winners are placing their bets globally

Monday October 26 | 13:15 - 13:45 GMT

Market downturns always allow us to see who the smart investors are. In a time when everyone is tightening their belts, we need to apply genius methods in our approaches to finding the next leading edge. Join us for an overview of global investing trends: who is still raising, where are they most confident in investing, and which markets are breeding the next fintech disruptors?


How do I win in cross-border payments?

Tuesday October 27 | 14:15 - 14:45 GMT

The events of this year have forced some companies to rethink their business models, whilst other players were ready to benefit from the switch to digital/ecommerce. As a market participant, is it enough just to offer a great international payments experience - or are international payments now a commodity product and significant product extensions required? This panel looks at what capabilities players must have to be a leader in cross-border payments. We'll also focus in on two segments of the market that have seen great transition and growth in 2020 - digital remittances and the B2B/ecommerce space.


What does open banking look like done right?

Wednesday October 28 | 14:15 -14:30 GMT

Open banking isn't the goal; the goal is an open data economy. As regulators around the world wrestle with shape of existing and potential open banking regimes, we look at the best in class projects, key differences in major markets, and the impact - both opportunities and threats - for merchants, banks and FinTechs.

How to detect bias in banking with AI

Thursday October 29 | 14:00 - 14:12 GMT

Systemic discrimination is front and center in the media – and within our institutions, too. By exploring banks’ customer complaints, turning their voices into “data,” and using artificial intelligence, we can identify and prevent biases. In this presentation, Marcia Tal, Founder of the PositivityTech platform’s Bias Index, highlights bias within financial institutions and shares three steps leaders can take to weed out systemic discrimination from their institutions today.

What would it take to make Libra actually happen?

Thursday October 29 | 14:15 - 14:45 GMT

Facebook's a big firm. They don't do small things. So when they announced Libra, it was a big vision. Even after recalculating with Libra 2.0, their ambitions remain big. But what will it take to take Libra from whitepaper to global currency and how will they win over regulators, merchants and of course, regular people? Join this session to hear the latest views from the public and private sector.


Anna Irrera

Chief Correspondent- Fintech, Reuters

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