Riddhiman Das, CEO, TripleBlind

Das is currently CEO & Co-Founder at TripleBlind. TripleBlind offers privacy as a service, enabled with a simple API to enable companies & individuals to safely provide and consume sensitive data and algorithms in encrypted space, without compromising privacy or security. Previously, he led Corporate Venture Capital and M&A for Ant Financial, where he came through EyeVerify's successful exit. At EyeVerify, he helped commercialize a software-only, biometric method for verifying the identity of mobile users called ‘Eyeprints’, which is based on the unique vein patterns in the whites of your eyes, and has fingerprint-level accuracy.

He has spent most of his career in leadership and technical roles in software and product development in startups, academia, and consulting across a variety of industries, including cybersecurity, fintech, digital identity, mobile payments, wireless systems, chipsets, healthcare, biometrics & security, and government & civic technology.

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