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Episode 3: June 28, 2022

Money20/20 Hindsight

Money20/20 Hindsight is the least you need to know in fintech today. Designed to bring you up to speed with the very latest news, views, and insights, it’s your one-stop shop for staying smart with today’s “finsights” in a fun format.

In this episode our team discusses FTX’s rumored acquisition of Robinhood, Goldman’s raise to buy Celsius assets, and VCs allegedly "Still Spending Like Drunken Sailors."

Nick Holland

Global Head of Research, Money20/20

Nick Holland

Global Head, Insights and Networks


Micky Tesfaye

Fintech Journalist

Micky Tesfaye

Content Lead, Europe


Rachel Morrissey

Rachel Morrissey

Head of Content (USA) & Executive Podcast Producer
